Why a Storyboard is Used and How to Make One for Your Video

Marketing Advice - 16.06.23

In the world of video creation, storyboarding is an important step that helps our clients visualise and plan their video before diving into production. Storyboarding is great for organising your ideas, streamlining the production process, and ensuring your video effectively communicates your message. 

So in this blog, we'll explore what a storyboard is, the different types of storyboards available, and also guide you through the process of how we can create a storyboard for you in just 6 simple steps.

What is the purpose of a storyboard?

A storyboard is a series of illustrations or images arranged in a sequence, representing the visual elements of a video or film. It acts as a blueprint for your video, helping to outline the shots and other visual details. Storyboards also include accompanying notes or descriptions that explain the action or dialogue taking place in each scene.

Types of storyboards

There are several types of storyboards commonly used in the creative industry. Each type of storyboard offers its own benefits and can be chosen based on the skill level and specific requirements of the project.

  • Traditional Storyboard: This is the most common type of storyboard, where each scene is sketched or illustrated in sequential order, often accompanied by descriptions or dialogue. 

  • Thumbnail Storyboard: This type of storyboard uses small thumbnail sketches – the size of a postage stamp – to represent each scene. It's a quick and efficient way to plan out your video's structure. 

  • Animated Storyboard: An animated storyboard brings your visuals to life using animated sequences or GIFs. Animated storyboards use a variety of different sketches that are filmed to demonstrate the timing, pacing, and visual flow of a scene.

Storyboard: what to include

Our goal is to create a clear and comprehensive visual representation of your video, allowing for seamless execution during the production phase. To walk you through the process of bringing your video to life, here is an easy step-by-step guide. 

Step 1: Define your video's purpose and audience

Before diving into storyboarding, you should have a clear understanding of your video's purpose and target audience. We want to define the main message you want to convey and identify the key elements that will resonate with your viewers. This will serve as a guiding principle throughout the storyboard creation process.

Step 2: Break down your video into scenes

We divide your video into logical segments or scenes. It’s important to consider the flow and sequence of events, ensuring a coherent and engaging narrative. Each scene should represent a specific moment or action that contributes to the overall story.

Step 3: Sketch or outline each scene

Using a storyboard design template, we start outlining each scene, capturing the key elements such as characters, actions, and dialogue. We will include accompanying descriptions or notes to provide context and explain the action taking place in each scene.

Step 4: Plan pacing and timing

Our team will think about the duration of each scene, the overall pacing of your video,  and the rhythm and timing required to maintain engagement and convey your intended emotions. This will help us determine if certain scenes need to be faster-paced or if others require a slower tempo to ensure a well-paced and captivating story.

Step 5: Review and revise

Then it’s time to review your storyboard as a whole. We evaluate the flow, coherence, and visual appeal of the scenes and look for any gaps or inconsistencies in the storytelling so we can make the necessary adjustments or revisions to improve the overall quality of your storyboard.

Step 6: Share and collaborate

Once you're satisfied with your storyboard, you can share it with your team or other stakeholders for feedback and collaboration. We can incorporate their suggestions and iterate if needed before we move forward with production. By involving others in the process, you can enhance the creative input and ensure a shared vision for the final video.

Why a storyboard is important in digital storytelling 

A storyboard is essentially a road map to help you navigate the challenging process of creating a compelling story digitally and ultimately allows you to visualise your concepts, organise the scenes, and align your creative vision with the goals of your digital story. 

Planning shots in advance means we can optimise the production process, reduce reshoots, save time, and make the most of your resources. Plus, with a storyboard, we can enhance the storytelling aspect of your video and ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards a shared vision.